Established in 1946, the Fulbright Program is the oldest and most prestigious international program for exchange of scholars and students funded by the United States government. Today it supports academic exchanges with 155 countries of the world.

Since 1992 nearly 700 Ukrainian students, young faculty, and senior scholars have completed academic research or study in the United States, and more than 400 Americans were involved in scholarly work and teaching in Ukraine.

Alumni of Ukrainian Fulbright programs established an alumni association in 1999.  The Ukrainian Fulbright Association and its members play an active role in Ukraine’s intellectual and civic communities, developing and sustaining academic and educational programs at institutions of higher education throughout Ukraine.  Through a Small Grants Program, Ukrainian Fulbright alumni are able to receive support for conferences, seminars, roundtable discussions, and other programs which they organize; for participation in academic events in Ukraine and around the world; and for publishing individual research as articles or monographs.

Fulbright Programs for Ukrainian citizens:

Fulbright Graduate Student Program provides study grants for students to complete 1- or 2-year academic programs for a Master of Arts or Sciences degree (or non-degree) programs at American universities.

Fulbright Scholar Program offers research opportunities at the U.S. universities and research institutions for scholars, researchers and other professionals for a period from 3 to 9 months.

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program brings visiting scholars and professionals from abroad to lecture at U.S. colleges and universities for one semester or one academic year.

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program provides an opportunity to teach Ukrainian language at U.S. colleges and universities for nine months.

Fulbright Research and Development Program provides opportunities for scholars and professionals to conduct research, engage in course and curriculum development.

U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program: Ukrainian educational institutions can invite Americans in any areas of expertise to deliver lectures from 1 to 2 semesters during the academic year.

Fulbright Specialist Program: Ukrainian educational and research institutions can invite U.S. faculty and professionals to collaborate with their counterparts on curriculum and faculty development, institutional planning, etc. from 2 to 6 weeks.

Further scholarship information

116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine
  Main Building, room 308, 309,
40007 Sumy, Ukraine



  International Students Office:
Tel/fax: +38 0542 337114
  International Affairs Department:
Tel/fax: +38 0542 331081